Hey There Coach!

And into the Hands of the People Who Need You

Get Your Signature Program Out of Your Head 

Grow your income and impact with a thriving, lifestyle-friendly business that shows your experience, knowledge, and… 


You operate from the heart.

You're a giver

Distilling you into a program designed to deliver your very own signature process in a clear and engaging way means you can make a difference for every client you work with.

What’s our secret to a thriving heart-centered business that isn’t complicated?

Spoiler Alert: It’s a Signature Program. 

And you’re ready to turn your experience and knowledge into a thriving business.

YES to Coaching will show you how. We’ll support you and cheer you on every step of the way!

A Signature Program is your ticket to changing lives, including your own.

When you have a program that’s built on your experience and knowledge, you say YES to your purpose and attract a boatload of clients who are ready to say YES to you.

Instead of complicated marketing ‘rules’ and tactics to grow your business, we take a simplified approach by highlighting the most important asset in your business… YOU.

“I had the highest month of revenue, and it’s only the 15th of the month without having to do LIVE launches!”

- Amy R.

Questioned how you were respected in your career, but now starting over, it feels like an uphill battle. 

Felt totally lost in the online world (despite being confident in your career)

Thought, I want to travel and enjoy life, not be stuck in a tech and marketing nightmare

Worried that your business isn’t working, and you should just give up

Worried over feeling confident enough to be visible (Like your work isn’t professional enough to be seen)

Thought, “Everytime I think I’m making progress, something sets me back” (It’s usually tech or marketing)

Felt frustrated over spending so much time on webinars, YouTube, or reading emails to learn this ‘coaching business’ stuff (And you’re burned out)

Felt like screaming, “All I want to do is help people, but I need to make money too!”

Wonder how anyone is going to see you as credible when you don’t have clients yet?

Felt overwhelmed by all the content you’re supposed to create?! How?

Struggled to figure out how to stand apart and make your coaching into something people want to buy

Wished there was a simpler way to get clients, (Because that’s all you need!)

Gotten stuck in fear of pricing your coaching because you don’t want to scare people away

Spin with SO many ideas that you keep getting stuck in “getting ready to get ready” mode

Think about trying to sell your coaching and freeze because you have zero confidence in your offer

You’re in the right place if you’ve ever...


Idea overload
Getting derailed by technology
Sales fear, resistance or avoidance
Visibility fears Invisibility, or...
A business that isn’t thriving

No more:

I want to grow my income, impact, and reach with a simple, from-the-heart approach that attracts the people I love to help.

You decided to become a coach because you want…

With all the information out there, you get pulled in a million directions, getting nowhere. Till you’re back at where you started, not enough clients, confused about what to do next, and completely discouraged.

Yet nobody told you the online business world would be so complicated, overwhelming, and frustrating.

To help people with your experience and knowledge

A life of freedom, travel, impact and fun (It’s calling you!)

A business that can go with you anywhere

To make a difference for others and being a giver is something you’ve always done

Maggie is a big part of our influence in our organization. She helped us develop great systems and sales. She’s going to teach you the most valuable skills you need to learn as a business owner. Let Maggie lead the way for you. 

-Ted Mcgrath, Message to Millions

“We are now bringing in 1200 new clients a month.”

Say goodbye to information overload, uncomfortable tactics, and time-consuming, pointless busywork!

YES to Coaching doesn’t weigh you down with information and content you don’t need. Simplicity is our focus.

We’ve helped hundreds of coaches create instant credibility with a Signature Program that kicks Imposter Syndrome to the curb in just 8 weeks.

- Laura 

Empowerment, Inspiration, and Ease

And now it’s your turn!

“You have been the help I've been searching for but couldn't find.”

xo, Maggie Chu

 founder of YES to Coaching

I believe every woman who wants to build a coaching business to share her experience and knowledge should be celebrated and guided to create a life of freedom as I have.

It’s your time! Growing your coaching business to a steady flow of clients you love is possible without all the frustration, complexity of mainstream marketing, and nonsense.

We’ll cut straight to the chase and what actually moves the needle for you and your coaching business.

welcome to

and the Signature Program Creator

- D. Wilson

Working through your program, I feel more productive and focused than ever!"

“I have spent months listening to webinars, watching youtube, following facebook posts, taking pages and pages of notes, signing up for millions of emails all explaining everything on how to launch a coaching business. I must say, I'm so glad I connected with you. I feel so good about my course now!

- steve j.

“Maggie helped me change from a person who had an idea for a business to a person with a business! I now have confidence in my program, business, AND myself.” 

- Christina M.

“I have structured my signature program with pricing! Yesss! So happy. I have the clarity I have been looking for so long. Thank you!”

“My hour with you was amazing!”

- andrea

- Jean Ann

“Maggie stands tall among the greatest coaches and sales experts I have ever known and on a foundation of integrity, values, and HUGE sales success.”

Here’s what they have to say:

“I Feel So Good About My Program Now!”

At YES to Coaching, we’ve helped over thousands of new and established coaches create stunning Signature Programs that give instant credibility and expertise. These coaches use their program to expand their reach, impact, and income, transforming their passion into profitable, life-changing businesses.

It’s important that you find someone to help you cut through the noise, so you can get what’s in your head into the hands of the people who need you. It’s important that your experience and knowledge gets distilled into a program that can change lives, even your own.

Wasting time isn't a prerequisite to success. 

Every coach starts somewhere.
And we all have challenges. However...

I mentor women who know they’re born to help people, coach more people and make an impact on the world with a single, simple Signature Program.

All of the experience and knowledge you’ve accumulated in life can be packaged into a graceful program that creates revenue, instant credibility and positions you as the expert that you are.

A heart-centered expert ready to give in a much bigger way!

Hi, I’m Maggie

the founder of YES to Coaching. And your biggest cheerleader!

You have my permission to set all the other coaching business “must do’s” and “should do’s” aside and focus on one thing only. Your program.

My heart- centered coaches have programs that get noticed.

- Dr. Lakesha

Get ready to turn heads.

I can help you create your Signature Program with a launch-ready, fast track plan in just 8 weeks.

“I did my first webinar and call to action utilizing what you taught me. I gained 10 new clients, and generated close to $50k on my first launch of my signature program! I couldn't have done it without your coaching program.”